In addition to the other reports, you may also generate a list of pipelines formatted for submission to Alberta, BC or Saskatchewan One Call organizations. With this report, you do not need to make a selection first. It is based on your user profile and it will pull all of the pipelines associated with your company.

To create the file:

  1. Click on the One Call icon on the left navigation panel
  2. On the One Call Dashboard, fill in the required fields

    Note that you will need to set up the Service Area name with the respective One Call organization prior to submitting a report.
  3. Click OK.
  4. A file will be generated for you to download.

Once the report has been created, you still must submit this to the respective One Call organization via your normal method.

Note: this report will always generate a complete list of pipelines, intended to replace what is already on file with the One Call organization. It is not designed to do incremental updates.