The Shapefile Export feature allows up to 300 records to be exported from the system for pipelines, facilities and wells. All of the attributes are found within the shapefile.
Note: if a facility type has been cancelled, or has no location data, the attributes will still be available.
To use this feature, start by making a selection on the map. Then click the Export button on the left hand side, and select Shapefile. This menu will expand, so you can choose to export Pipeline, Facility or Well.
Selecting either file type, will download a zip file to your device.
The tables below define each attribute by the facility type. You can find a a description, overview and example of each attribute.
APPROVALNU | GDM Approval Number | Pipeline approval number | 61132 |
ENVIRONMEN | Environment | Name of the Pipeline Environment Replacement | CREEK |
FROMLOCATI | From Location | DLS or NTS Grid location at the FROM end of the pipeline | 16-22-011-11W4 |
H2SCONTENT | H2S Content | Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S concentration (mol/kmol) | 14 |
INTERNALCO | Internal Protection | Name of the Pipeline Internal Protection type | UNCOATED |
JOINTTYPEL | Joint Type | Name of the Pipeline Joint Type | WELDED |
LENGTH | Length | Pipeline length from regulatory source (km) | 0.5 |
LICENSEENA | Licensee | Name of the company licensing the pipeline | Canadian Natural Resources Limited |
LICENSEESO | Licensee Code | Regulatory business associate or client ID | 0HE9 |
LINENUMBER | Line Number | Pipeline segment number within an Approval Number range | 26 |
MATERIALGR | Material Grade | Name of the pipeline material grade | 2901 |
MATERIALSP | Material Specification | Name of the pipeline material specification | Z245.1 |
MATERIALST | Material Standard | Name of the pipeline material standard | CSA Z245.1 |
MATERIALTY | Material Type | Name of the pipeline material type | STEEL |
MAXOPERATI | MOP | Pipeline maximum operating pressure (kPa) | 4960 |
OPERATORNA | Operator | Name of the company operating the pipeline | Canadian Natural Resources Limited |
OPERATORSO | Operator Code | Regulatory business associate or client ID | 0HE9 |
OUTERDIAME | Outer Diameter | Pipeline outside diameter (mm) | 88.9 |
PRIMARYSUB | Substance | Pipeline primary substance name | OE |
PROVSTATEA | Province/State | Name of the province or state of the pipeline | AB |
STATUSLABE | Status | Pipeline license status | OPER |
TOLOCATION | To Location | DLS or NTS Grid location at the TO end of the pipeline | 12-23-011-11W4 |
WALLTHICKN | Wall Thickness | Pipeline wall thickness (mm) | 3.2 |
LOCATION | Location | DLS or NTS Grid location of the facility | 06-26-011-11W4 |
CATEGORYLA | Category | Facility category label | GAS PROC PLNT <1T/D SULPHUR |
FACILITYNU | Facility ID | Unique identifier that includes Province, Facility Type and Facility Identifier | ABGP0095750 |
LATITUDE | Latitude | Latitude location of the facility | 49.937475 |
LICENSEENA | Licensee | Name of the company licensing the facility | CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED |
LICENSEESO | Licensee Code | Regulatory business associate or client ID | 0HE9 |
LICENSENUM | License | Regulatory license number | F32416 |
LICENSESTA | License Status | Facility license status | ISSUED |
LONGITUDE | Longitude | Longitude location of the facility | -111.405135 |
NAME | Name | Name of the facility | BOW ISLAND 6-26-11-11W4 |
OPERATIONA | Operating Status | Facility operating status as defined by Petrinex | ACTIVE |
OPERATORNA | Operator | Regulatory business associate or client ID | CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED |
OPERATORSO | Operator Code | Regulatory business associate or client ID | 0HE9 |
PROVSTATEA | Province/State | Name of the province or state of the facility | AB |
SUBTYPELAB | Sub Type | Name of the facility sub-type | GAS PLANT ACID GAS FLAR <1T/D SLPHR |
TYPELABEL | Type | Name of the facility type | GAS PLANT |
LICENSEENA | Licensee | Name of the company licensing the well | CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED |
LICENSEESO | Licensee Code | Regulatory business associate or client ID | 0HE9 |
LICENSENUM | License | Regulatory license number | F32416 |
LOCATION | Location | DLS or NTS Grid location of the facility | 03-25-011-11W4 |
PROVSTATEA | Province/State | Name of the province or state of the pipeline | AB |
UWI | UWI | Unique Well Identifier | 100142401111W400 |
WELLNAME | Name | Name of the well | CNRL BI 14-24-11-1 |
WELLSTATUS | License Status | Well license status | Water Abandoned Zone Disposal |